Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?
If you believe the word of Harold Camping you better be. According to this eighty nine year old multi millionaire from California, Saturday May 21st will be the 'End of The World'.
Based on a bunch of mumbo jumbo numerological fuzzy math, multiplying the amount of years from the story of the flood of Noah in the Bible, the presumed day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the number 51, and April 1st (yeah, April 1st is a factor in this equation) this former Sunday School teacher and host of 'Family Radio' has the world involved in a terrible meme of gloom and doom.
According to his interpretation, on Saturday 'the saved' dead and alive will be raptured to heaven, with the rest of the unsaved left to live on a hellish earth before it is destroyed by God fifty days later. He predicts it will begin with earthquakes in Fiji and New Zealand ripping a hole in the earth and launching a catastrophe of 'Biblical' proportions.
He's done this before.
Harold Camping is a civil engineer and a math wizard who was around in world war two and excelled in Church as a Sunday School teacher with no formal theological training, but his charismatic style attracted hundreds of students to his classes.
He started eventually started Family Radio and in the 1980's he began to promote eschatological predictions so heavily, Church leaders came down on him, forcing him, his wife and his seven kids to start their own congregation.
They took several hundred followers with them for a while before Camping declared the end of the 20th century the end of the 'church era' and focused solely on his radio show. He predicted the end of the world in the 90's only to be proven wrong, and he's still around today in the viral age of social media to spread his end of days doctrine again.
This time, he believes he is right. Billboards have be erected, subway ads, twitter posts, facebook status updates, it's the most queried search term on the web. Even the Center for Disease control has capitalized on this mania with a pseudo blog post called 'The Zombie Apocalypse' about preparing with foods and supplies for hurricane season as if a zombie apocalypse was approaching, of course undoubtedly tapping into the subconscious of the fear-mongering going on right now.
I guess we will all find out on Saturday night right?
Pen Paul.
credit to Jaweed Kaleem of The Huffington Post for information used in this story.
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