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JPMorgan Chase (JPM)says in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York it will provide temporary funding for Bear Stearns (BSC).
The funding will be provided for up to 28 days. During that time, JPMorgan Chase will also help Bear Stearns find permanent financing.
BEAR STEARNS STATEMENT: Text of Friday's announcement.JPMORGAN STATEMENT: Text of its Friday announcement.
The fifth-largest U.S. securities firm, known as a trader and underwriter of mortgages and other debt, in recent days has batted down speculation it is strapped for cash. Executives say it has enough capital and cash to weather the current storm.
The company has struggled since the middle of 2007 due to the fallout in the mortgage and credit markets. Last summer, two hedge funds worth billions of dollars managed by Bear Stearns collapsed because of bad bets on securities backed by subprime mortgages loans given to customers with poor credit history.
Recently, hedge funds and banks handling long-term trades, such as credit-default swaps, were being extra cautious when Bear was a counterparty, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.
As a result, the Fed, through its discount window, will provide non-recourse, back-to-back financing to JPMorgan Chase, the commercial bank said. JPMorgan said it does not believe this transaction exposes its shareholders to any material risk.
JPMorgan Chase also said it is working with Bear Stearns to secure permanent financing or other alternatives for the company.
In a memo to employees, Alan Schwartz, president and chief executive officer of Bear Stearns, said the temporary financing will allow the company to "get back to business as usual."
Schwartz, in a separate statement, said: "Bear Stearns has been the subject of a multitude of market rumors regarding our liquidity. We have tried to confront and dispel these rumors and parse fact from fiction.
"Amidst this market chatter, our liquidity position in the last 24 hours had significantly deteriorated. We took this important step to restore confidence in us in the marketplace, strengthen our liquidity and allow us to continue normal operations."
The investment bank added there is no guarantee any permanent strategic alternatives will be successful.
There has been speculation this week that Bear Stearns is struggling with liquidity problems. Schwartz earlier denied those reports.
Website address: http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/brokerage/2008-03-14-bear-stearns-financing_N.htm
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9:29 AM
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Trying to calm jitters about the economy, President Bush conceded on Friday that the country "obviously is going through a tough time" but expressed confidence about a rebound.
In a speech to The Economic Club of New York, Bush said this was not the first time the economy has been rattled and he is certain that it will ride out its troubles. "These are uncertain times," he said.
The president spoke as evidence of an ailing economy piled up. The dollar fell, oil and gold hit record highs, the economy is shedding jobs, retail sales saw a big drop and the effects of a severe credit squeeze linger. Economic worries have replaced the Iraq war as the No. 1 concern of voters in this presidential election year.
"Every time, this economy has bounced back better and stronger than before," Bush said, showing his optimism about the resiliency of the economy.
He said unemployment was low at 4.8% and productivity was strong. But he acknowledged that prices are up at the gas pump and grocery stores and housing values are down.
"Hardworking Americans are concerned," he said. "They're concerned about their families. They're concerned about making their bills."
The president also praised the work of the Federal Reserve to boost the economy. The Fed on Friday said it has voted to endorse an arrangement to bolster troubled Bear Stearns and stands ready to provide extra resources to combat a serious credit crisis.
Bush said the Fed has cut interest rates several times and this week, the Fed announced a major move to ease stress in the credit markets by adding liquidity. "It was strong action by the Fed and they did so because some financial institutions that borrowed money to buy securities in the housing industry must now repair their balance sheets before they can make further loans," the president said.
"Today's events are fast moving, but the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the secretary of the treasury are on top of them and will take the appropriate steps to promote stability in our markets," Bush assured his audience.
Website address: http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2008-03-14-bush-economy_N.htm
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A Michigan congresswoman said Friday that the state's Democrats are working on plans for a June 3 primary that would give them a say in the tight presidential nomination race between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick said the primary would be statewide and would be funded through party money. She is one of four Democrats who are not endorsing either candidate who are working together on a plan for a repeat primary.
Clinton won a primary the state held in January, but Obama's name wasn't on the ballot. He had it removed because the primary was held too early to comply with national party rules, meaning no delegates were at stake.
Florida also had its delegates stripped for holding a primary in January. The Florida Democratic Party offered a plan for a mail-in primary Thursday, but admitted it didn't have a good chance of being approved. Kilpatrick said the mail-in approach wouldn't work in Michigan.
Kilpatrick said discussions on the plan would continue Friday. "We're hopeful. We're close," she told reporters after appearing at a Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.
Other Michigan Democrats working on the plan include Democratic National Committee member Debbie Dingell, Sen. Carl Levin and United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger.
Kilpatrick said although she is optimistic, Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey has expressed concern they may not have the time or manpower to pull it off. She said they are trying to work through those issues.
To go forward, any plan would require the approval of the two candidates' campaigns, the Democratic National Committee, state party leaders and Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who is backing Clinton.
Michigan Democrats need to act quickly because the politically divided legislature will have to sign off on the deal and approve how to spend the privately raised funds for a new election. Members of the Democratic-controlled state House and Republican-controlled state Senate leave at the end of the month on their two-week spring break.
Florida Democrats said they will make a decision by Monday on whether to hold a mail-in re-vote. But the plan floated this week faces opposition from the state's Democratic congressional delegation, and Obama has also expressed concerns about security and accuracy of a mail-in vote organized so quickly. Democratic National Committee rules require the vote to be scheduled by June 10.
Website address: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-03-14-mich-vote_N.htm
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The House held an unusual closed-door session to talk about classified intelligence gathering in anticipation of a vote Friday on a warrantless eavesdropping bill.
The Democratic bill would set rules for the government's surveillance of phone calls and e-mails. President Bush has vowed to veto it.
The president's main objection is that the bill does not protect from lawsuits telecommunications companies that allowed the government to eavesdrop on their customers without permission from a court after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
House Republicans succeeded Thursday in delaying the vote by one day by requesting a rare, late-night closed session of Congress to discuss the bill. It was the first secret session of the House in a quarter century.
The last such session was in 1983, on U.S. support for paramilitary operations in Nicaragua. Only five closed sessions have taken place in the House since 1825.
Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas said she didn't believe any minds were changed on the bill but that the session allowed views to be exchanged.
"We couldn't have gone more of an extra mile to make sure we're doing the best for national security," she told The Associated Press.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said in an interview that he read aloud the titles but not details of intelligence reports "that shows the nature of the global threat and how dynamic the situation is, and how fluid."
Bush and congressional Republicans want the House to adopt the Senate version of the legislation, which provides a legal shield for telecom companies.
About 40 lawsuits have been filed against telecommunications companies by people and organizations alleging the companies violated wiretapping and privacy laws. The lawsuits have been combined and are pending before a single federal judge in California.
The Democrats' measure would encourage the judge to review in private the secret government documents underpinning the program to decide whether the companies acted lawfully.
The administration has prevented those documents from being revealed, even to a judge, by invoking the state secrets privilege. That puts the companies in a bind because they are unable to defend themselves in suits that allege they violated wiretapping and privacy laws.
The surveillance law is intended to help the government pursue suspected terrorists by making it easier to eavesdrop on foreign phone calls and e-mails that pass through the United States. A temporary law expired Feb. 16 before Congress was able to produce a replacement bill. Bush opposed an extension of the temporary law as a means to pressure Congress into accepting the Senate version of the surveillance legislation.
Bush and most Capitol Hill Republicans say the lawsuits are damaging national security and unfairly punish telecommunications companies for helping the government in a time of war.
Website address: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2008-03-14-terrorist-surveillance_N.htm
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Friday, March 14, 2008
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She came to N.Y. looking for record deal instead she got hooker ring offer
Friday, March 14th 2008, 4:00 AM
Ashley Dupré shows some skin for the camera, but is well-covered in family photo she posted on her MySpace page.
Ashley Dupré shows some skin for the camera, but is well-covered in family photo she posted on her MySpace page.
Her grandfather in New Jersey said Dupré was 'very nice. She's a beautiful girl.'
Her grandfather in New Jersey said Dupré was 'very nice. She's a beautiful girl.'
Ashley Alexandra Dupré hit New York City in 2004 as a teenager with big dreams, but quickly fell into the shadowy world of hustlers, wanna-be celebs and high-class hookers.
Instead of record deals, she got an offer from a high-class prostitution ring called NY Confidential.
Jason Itzler claimed he met Dupré in the Gansevoort Hotel and she instantly caught his eye. Itzler said he gave the then-19-year-old his card and she called him two days later after visiting the NY Confidential Web site.
"She says, 'Hey, Jason ... I want to work for you.' When I caught my breath, I said, 'Do you know what I do?'" he claimed. "She's like, 'Yeah.' I said, 'Get over here.' "
He rechristened the Jersey-girl-turned-call-girl "Victoria," and she quickly became a favorite of the Confidential clientele - four years before she became $4,300 hooker "Kristen" and torpedoed Gov. Eliot Spitzer.
Itzler, 41, the self-proclaimed "King of All Pimps," claimed Dupré, a sexy brunette with a fetching smile and a colorful tatoo on her left shoulder, attracted a large and grateful clientele, earning tens of thousands of dollars a month.
After her first date, Itzler claimed, he rewarded her with a $2,000 pair of Manolo Blahniks - the favored footwear of Sarah Jessica Parker's character on "Sex and The City."
"I used to get e-mails [that said] 'Now I can die happy,'" Itzler said of Dupré, who came to Manhattan pursuing a musical career before a random hotel lobby encounter changed her life.
"This was probably the sexiest, hottest girl I had," Itzler said. "She's no joke. She's an awesome, awesome, supercool girl."
Dupré's lawyer didn't return a phone call or e-mail about Itzler's tale on another busy day in the Eliot Mess:
* Dupré posted a simple online message on her MySpace.com page: "Yeah, I did it." The page was later changed to read: "Thank you all for your support, it means alot to me."
Nightlife sources recalled Dupré as a club rat decked out in "amazing clothes," carrying "a lot of money" and hanging with celebrities like music producer Jermaine Dupri. They also mentioned "crazy vacations," including a visit to St. Tropez, France, with Dupré insisting the cash came from her wealthy suburban parents. "If she was a prostitute, she hid it well," said one source.
* Club photographers claimed she rubbed elbows at parties with hard partiers such as convicted Brazilian madam Andrea Schwartz.
* Dupré's friends from the music world stepped forward to defend her as sweet, friendly and kind.
"You would never think in a million years that she was doing that kind of work, she never came off depressing or desperate," said producer Jonathan Elhers, who helped her cut a 2004 demo. "She was very cool, very easy to get along with."
* Her family, like the governor, remained tight-lipped, with Dupré's grandfather telling reporters at his New Jersey home, "She's very nice. She's a beautiful girl."
Dupré's former classmates in Wall Township, N.J., recalled she hung out with an older crowd, drank when she was underage and had a "bad reputation."
Itzler, sipping a Bloody Mary at noon inside Union Square's Coffee Shop, talked about his time with Dupré as a tape of Spitzer's resignation played on a TV over his shoulder.
He seemed oblivious to the bizarre juxtaposition as he recalled hiring Dupré in the months before his January 2005 arrest.
It was near the end of Itzler's run atop his escort service, with $2,000-an-hour working girls such as Natalia McLennan - and, he claimed, Ashley Dupré.
Itzler claimed Dupré was "Victoria" - one of the women dressed as cheerleaders whom he sent to actor Charlie Sheen for a night of role playing that hit the gossip pages two years ago.
Itzler, who pleaded guilty in 2006 to running the $25,000-a-night prostitution ring, said he recognized Dupré after seeing her photo while appearing Wednesday on CNN.
He went home and looked up her MySpace.com page to check out more pictures.
Dupré, despite her tender age, was a workaholic who was on the job six days a week, Itzler claimed. She was often called for repeat business.
"She thrived on it, like a fish in water," he said. "Almost like an actor on stage on Broadway. Alive, you know?"
A check with the Manhattan district attorney's office indicated Dupré avoided arrest when Itzler's operation was closed.
With Stephanie Gaskell, Patrick Hugenin and Mike Jaccarino
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US House Holds Secret Session Over Surveillance Law | |
By Dan Robinson Washington 13 March 2008 |
The House of Representatives has met in a rare closed session to consider proposed revisions to foreign intelligence surveillance law, the subject of continuing conflict between President Bush and Democrats. VOA's Dan Robinson reports, there were emotional exchanges about the unusual meeting, which came after President Bush repeated his opposition to Democratic legislation he asserts would harm U.S. security against possible new terrorist attacks
Scene on floor of US House of Representatives (file photo) |
This time it was requested by minority Republicans, who with President Bush oppose a Democratic measure to revise existing law on electronic surveillance aimed at helping the U.S. prevent further terrorist attacks.
But many Democrats expressed discomfort, questioning exactly what would be discussed in the closed session and voicing suspicion at Republican motives for making the request just before a two-week recess.
Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett was one of those challenging reasoning for the unusual session.
"I would not want to limit the ability of anyone to debate any aspect of this. If their points are clear and justified, I would want them to do that in front of the American people and not in a secret session unless it in some way compromised the confidentiality and classified nature of the material," he said.
House majority leader Steny Hoyer explains why he and other key leaders agreed to the Republican request. "All this contemplates is the offering and receiving of information that the minority has represented, they believe they want to give to the members, they ought not to give in open session," he said.
Republican minority whip Roy Blunt implied that new classified information would likely be discussed, although he asserted it not would differ from details already made available to members of the House intelligence committee. "This is a bill that goes well beyond the information the most members would normally have. I think the secret session will be helpful to the members, or I wouldn't have said early today that I would ask for it," he said.
Democratic lawmakers also questioned what information revealed in Thursday's classified session could be discussed when, as is now expected, the House holds an open public debate on the Democratic measure on Friday:
Congresswoman Diane Watson was among those pressing Republicans and her own Democratic leadership to explain why the closed debate was necessary. "I have got to go back to my district and explain to my constituents why we had a secret session before we voted on the FISA bill," she said.
President Bush and Republicans accuse Democrats of leaving critical loopholes in place that harm the ability of the intelligence community to conduct electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists overseas, including monitoring of communications involving U.S. citizens that involves U.S. communications hubs.
Although the U.S. Senate approved, in a strong bipartisan vote, retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that assisted the government in a once-secret surveillance program, House Democrats refuse to do so and have not brought up the Senate measure for consideration.
Among key differences with the Senate's measure, House Democrat's bill would require a special intelligence court to approve surveillance steps before they begin, except in certain emergency situations, require additional legal reviews, and establish an independent commission to examine Bush administration surveillance. President Bush has said this would only slow the gathering of critical anti-terrorist intelligence.
House Republican leader John Boehner used a news conference to reiterate his party's position on the Democrat's bill. "Why would the speaker of the House continue to stand in the way of allowing a bipartisan group of members of the House, a majority of the House, from voting on the Senate-passed bill?," he said.
President Bush Thursday renewed his insistence on retroactive immunity, and lashed out at Democrats. "Members of the House should not be deceived into thinking that voting for this unacceptable legislation would somehow move the process along. Voting for this bill does not move the process along. Instead voting for this bill would make our country less safe," he said.
House speaker Nancy Pelosi used a separate briefing for reporters to reject the president's reasoning. "When the president says that the legislation we are putting forth will not make America safer, the president is wrong. He knows full well that the existing FISA law gives him the authority he needs, [that] the administration needs, to collect [intelligence]," she said.
Not known, of course, is the nature of any new information presented to lawmakers late Thursday the classified session, and what impact that might have on Democratic leader's willingness to take up Senate-passed legislation.
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Dupre's MySpace page evolves with scandal
* Story Highlights
* Dupre becomes the fifth most-searched subject on Google
* After being identified by The New York Times, Dupre cleans up her profiles
* Dupre to high school classmates: "Do me a favor and don't try to cash out..."
* Facebook and MySpace pages that appeared to be Dupre's are deleted
By Mallory Simon
(CNN) -- In three days, Ashley Alexandra Dupre went from being an unknown 22-year-old aspiring musician to the fifth most-searched subject on Google because of her alleged sexual encounters with New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer.
After she was identified by The New York Times, throngs of journalists staked out her home.
At the same time, she appeared to have jumped on her MySpace page, which was identified by the Times, and a Facebook profile with the same name and photos.
It seemed she was trying to stay one step ahead of journalists, attempting to limit what information they could access.
She was seemingly aware that the press would have access to her friends and every word, photo and comment on her profiles, so she began by deleting connections between her friends on Facebook.
Facebook and MySpace have become one of the go-to background tools for journalists in the past couple of years, allowing members of the press to put a face to the subject of their story and find out more about them. VideoWatch what friends and family say about Dupre »
As more people make profiles on these Web sites, the information they make available is more frequently becoming public fodder.
Pictures from her apparent MySpace and Facebook profile were splashed across media Web sites -- and Dupre appeared to take notice. Time stamps and activity on what appears to be her Facebook profile shows she was staying up all night cleaning up her profile and responding to critics on the Internet.
American University Law Professor Chris Simpson, an expert in Internet and privacy law, said there is no expectation of privacy when it comes to social networking Web sites.
If you post photos or comments, there is a chance your information can end up on the front page of The New York Times, although in most cases it won't.
"A week ago, only [Dupre's] friends cared," he said. "But once you put it up for the world to see, you can't control which fraction of the world will see it."
Simpson also said while Dupre may have originally left her profiles open hoping someone would discover her music, it also left her susceptible to media scrutiny after the Spitzer scandal.
"Unfortunately, you can't say, 'Oh well, I didn't want that kind of publicity, I only wanted positive publicity,'" he said.
While most people may understand their profiles are subject to public viewing, Amanda Lenhart, senior research specialist for the Pew Internet and American Life Project, said focus groups have shown they generally can't think of a scenario where their information would become so public.
Early Thursday morning, it appears Dupre realized she needed to make some changes to alter what the public would be able to know about her.
At 3 a.m., there was an entry that she had completed a "thorough profile scrub," leaving only a couple of photos of herself on Facebook.
At the same time, the self-described aspiring musician left a clip of one of her songs on MySpace and frequently linked to a page where users could download it.
So does Dupre want the attention that comes along with this scandal or not? VideoWatch former pimp, escort recall Dupre's start in the industry »
"Maybe promoting herself and her music on the Internet means she does want to make it available to everyone in a very public way," Lenhart said.
Some of her close friends made sure their feelings were known to the press, too. Some posted on her MySpace page telling her to ignore the media, that they would be there for her and reminding her to stay strong.
But even those who weren't close with her seemed to want in on the action. Some identifying themselves as her high school classmates created a group on Facebook devoted to those who had classes with her.
The early morning hours slipped by and Internet activity on Facebook continued until 5 a.m., when she apparently confronted the high school classmates on the group page. It seemed she believed they were trying to exploit her situation.
"Do me a favor and don't try to cash out... thanks," she wrote on the Facebook group page.
Thursday morning, the Dupre Facebook status gave the impression she wanted no part of the attention.
"Sneaking out the back door," she wrote under her "current status."
But as the day went on, it seemed Dupre's feelings were changing and she might have been embracing the newfound spotlight.
The page had received more than 1,100 friend requests on Facebook. Initially, she ignored them.
By the afternoon she apparently gave in, but the feelings were short-lived.
By 2:30 p.m. the Facebook and MySpace profiles were gone.
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