Say Farewell.
So she doesn't have to wake up anymore. Her pain will not weigh so heavily on her shoulders no longer. She can rest in peace.
Sure they will still duel over lawsuits and the paternity and the pathology and toxicology. But she will not be there for it. The pain became too much and she expired prematurely. What was left for her? The remnants of youth fading so quickly, her son suddenly dead on the day her second child was born. Her companion consistently raking in motherloads of mullah for her interviews and reality TV shows and her inheritance.
So many of the players in this parade are passed away. The 67 year old step son forging a block between Anna Nicole Smith and 500 million dollars: gone. The first heir to her fortune, her oldest male child: gone. Her companion is left to sort out the affairs now.
Mr. Howard K. Stern.
When will your tears fall. Who will do those million dollar entertainment tonight interviews? Is there a book to be released? Many questions arise now Mr. Stern, which I'm sure you have thought out the answers to. A lot of this stinks to high hell. A "commitment ceremony" after you stepson's death in the Bahamas, a beaming smile on both your faces.
She was tired. Very tired. She has left this world and said farewell. What say you?
Matters not much. Anna Nicole Smith is asleep now. And where she is, she is with old man daddy moneybags J. Howard Marshall, and her son Daniel, and she can relax. You are still here, and you Mr. Howard K. Stern, have statements to make.